Eyebrows are a key feature of our face and can completely transform our look. They frame our eyes and give structure to our faces. There are many ways to shape and maintain your brows, but one of the most popular methods is eyebrow threading. This ancient technique has been used for centuries and is known for its precise and long-lasting results. However, not everyone is familiar with it. That's why we've put together this must-read guide to eyebrow threading. 

How often Should you get your Eyebrows Threaded?

Maintaining perfectly shaped eyebrows is a goal for many individuals, and one popular method for achieving this is through eyebrow threading. However, knowing how often to get your eyebrows threaded is essential to ensure their upkeep without causing any harm or damage.

The frequency of eyebrow threading largely depends on individual hair growth patterns and personal preferences. 

If you have fast-growing eyebrows or prefer a more defined look, you may need to visit your threading specialist more frequently, such as every 2 weeks. 

Regular eyebrow threading sessions not only help to maintain the shape of your eyebrows but also contribute to healthier hair growth. Threading removes unwanted hair from the root, which encourages new hair to grow in a more controlled and uniform manner.

It's important to listen to your eyebrows and pay attention to any signs they give you. If you start noticing unruly or overgrown hairs, it may be time to schedule a threading session. Similarly, if you feel that your eyebrows are losing their shape or becoming too sparse, a touch-up appointment can help restore their beauty.

Remember, threading should always be performed by a trained professional who understands your desired eyebrow shape and can enhance your natural features. They can also provide personalized recommendations on the ideal frequency for maintaining your eyebrows.

Aftercare Tips for Beautifully Shaped Eyebrows

  1. Avoid touching or rubbing your eyebrows: It's tempting to touch and feel your newly threaded brows, but try to resist the urge. Touching them can transfer oils from your fingers onto your brows, which can lead to breakouts or irritation.
  2. Keep them clean: Cleanse your face gently using a mild cleanser, avoiding harsh scrubbing or exfoliation around the eyebrow area. This will help prevent any potential infections or breakouts.
  3. Apply soothing products: After threading, your skin may feel slightly sensitive or red. To calm and soothe the area, apply a gentle, alcohol-free toner or aloe vera gel. These products can provide relief and reduce any inflammation.
  4. Avoid makeup on the eyebrows: Give your eyebrows a break from makeup for at least 24 hours after threading. This will allow the skin to heal and prevent any potential clogging of the hair follicles.
  5. Use a spoolie brush: To keep your brows looking neat and tidy, use a spoolie brush to comb them in the desired shape. This will help distribute any natural oils and keep the hair in place.
  6. Avoid excessive sun exposure: Protect your freshly threaded brows from direct sunlight to prevent any potential sunburn or fading of the hair colour. If you're heading out during peak sun hours, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat or using SPF-infused eyebrow products.
  7. Schedule regular touch-ups: Eyebrow threading typically lasts for a few weeks, depending on individual hair growth. To maintain perfectly shaped brows, schedule regular touch-up appointments with your threading specialist.
  8. Resist the urge to pluck: While it may be tempting to pluck stray hairs between threading sessions, try to avoid it. Let your eyebrows grow out naturally, as over-plucking can disrupt the shape and lead to uneven brows.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Threading your Eyebrows

One common mistake is not having a clear understanding of the desired eyebrow shape. Before starting the threading process, it's crucial to have a clear idea of the shape and thickness you want to achieve.

Another mistake to avoid is over-tweezing. Over-tweezing can result in thin and uneven eyebrows, which may take a long time to grow back.

Using the wrong thread thickness is also a common error. Another crucial mistake to avoid is threading too close to the skin. 

Neglecting to prepare the skin before threading is another mistake to avoid. Cleanse the eyebrow area thoroughly to remove any oils, dirt, or makeup residue. 

Using dull or dirty threading tools is a mistake that can impact the effectiveness of the threading process. Ensure that your threading technician uses clean and sharp tools to achieve precise and clean results.


Achieving perfectly shaped brows can make a huge difference in your overall appearance, and understanding the facts about eyebrow threading can help you make the best decisions for your brow grooming routine. You should consult a professional/expert for the best eyebrow threading Toronto. Speaking of which, Winks Eyelash Boutique is best known for eyebrow threading Toronto.